Thursday, May 28, 2009

Home Alone... and happy

this will be my new daily routine. from home to the office and back

What’s up with me? Nothing much, except that after x months of planning about it, I am finally moving out of my old apartment, all by myself, in a small private room in Oranbo near Dunkin Donuts and Watson, where I will be living with no one else, doing what a lonely happy person like me does. The truth is, I have no problems sharing a shelter with other people, and I even tried it for more than a year. But we sometimes found ourselves too consumed with our presence and begun hurting each other emotionally. And before we really hate each other to the fullest, I decided to move out. Lets face it, some people who are working great as friends and officemates, are not meant to dwell under one roof. That reality led me to Oranbo, the street of lonely but happy people...

Wish me luck...